Kimball baby grand piano serial
Kimball baby grand piano serial

kimball baby grand piano serial kimball baby grand piano serial

I don't know if the pegs were all messed up from age, but it wouldn't hold a tuning. The voicing of the hammers was terrible, at least to my tastes, the sustain and una corda pedal mechanisms were not good. I don't remember the exact length, but you could call it a baby grand size.

kimball baby grand piano serial

When I was a teenager and lived with my folks, we had a Kimball (I don't remember the year, but it was pretty old) supposedly from a deceased grand-aunt who was some kind of piano teacher out in the sticks. I can't say, obviously, without playing the instrument, but if it were me, I'd sell it and, if desired, basically swap it for as much Yamaha acoustic as you can get. I CAN supply pictures if necessary, but it might take a while as I am currently away from home. If it is a decent instrument I would consider getting a professional to do repairs(if necessary). What I'm more concerned about is whether or not this piano is worth keeping as it takes up quite a lot of space. I've read a bit about the history of the company and mostly gotten that Kimball pianos are not necessarily known for their quality instruments, especially newer pianos. There is some pretty considerable damage to the lid where years of sunlight has caused the finish to peel and crack on the lid and music rack. Mechanically, it seems to be fully functional with no dead keys or anything like that. Its a glossy white 5'8" Baby Grand that has a small plaque on the inside giving a little bit of the history of that event, ect. I was given one of the Kimballs used in the 1984 Olympic opening ceremony. First off, I already have this piano in my posession and have done a bit of research but was hoping someone with a lot more knowledge here could give me some advice being that I do not know much about pianos (not my primary instrument).

Kimball baby grand piano serial